Supporting Lincolnshire Police’s new knife crime initiative
We’ve joined forces (get it?) with Lincolnshire Police to create an immersive, educational experience to prevent knife crime and reduce violent incidents among young people.
The Happening aims to divert young people away from carrying a knife and from being involved in serious violence.
We teamed up with Allen Signs Ltd to design, print and install photorealistic designs to kit out rooms at the educational space at Sleaford Police Station.
Creating an immersive experience
As you can see from the photos, the project provided a design and print challenge to turn the ideas of the team into reality.
Each room in the station’s old custody suite has been equipped with real world props, videos, graffiti, posters and more to bring the facility to life with a unique and colourful look.
Our graphic design team worked hard to create some truly stunning visuals to accompany the messaging for the immersive experience.
A pilot of the project was completed recently, with local pupils from Lincolnshire visiting the centre before its official launch in January 2024.
Lincolnshire Police’s education team is working with schools to challenge thinking, capture the reality, dispel the myths and remove the ‘glamour’ around knife crime – You might read that and think ‘what glamour is there in knife crime?’ But shockingly, knives are appearing in young people’s lives and social media feeds so this is critically important.
Capturing imaginations and preventing crime
The Happening has been supported by funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner, a local charity, the county’s Serious Violence Core Priority Group and the Home Office homicide prevention fund.
Sergeant Mel Standbrook, who is running the project, said:
“I am super proud of what we have created for our young people across Lincolnshire.
“The centre really captures imaginations whilst utilising the senses in the most immersive and interactive way. We cannot wait for our official launch when all of our content is in place.
“Our aim is to make a difference to young people’s lives to prevent knife enabled crime and using the power of visual media and pupil voice, coupled with first aid skills and open conversations, we will be able to impact change going forward.”
Lincolnshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Marc Jones said:
“Incidents of knife crime, while still few in Lincolnshire, have devastating consequences for all of those involved. This project is just one of the steps – but an important one – in eradicating violence from our communities.
“The project seeks to educate youngsters on the horrific consequences of knife crime for victims, offenders, and their families. If we can divert one person from this path then it is worthwhile.
“I am determined to do everything possible to keep our communities safe.”
Alongside Visual Print and Design and Allen Signs, the project also included contributions from the University of Lincoln, LIVES, Crimestoppers, Lincoln College, and Image Skool.
Do you need graphic design and print support with an upcoming project? Simply drop us an email and we can help bring your ideas to life.