While we can’t help you solve quadratic equations or explain why that dress is blue and black and not white and gold, we can offer some stellar advice when it comes to print and graphic design.
Grab your favourite tea, treat yourself to a biscuit (or two!) and have a gander of the latest development, advice and news from the world of print and design written by our talented team and specialist guest bloggers.
15 simple print buzzwords you need to know
There is a lot of printing jargon out there. We should know. We use it daily without realising it. It is like a second language to us! Of course, we are always happy to explain any jargon we use when speaking about print and design projects. However, we thought it would be useful to provide you with a helpful guide to some of the commonly used words that we hear daily in the world of print.
Month of fundraising challenges by Visual Print and Design team raises £540 for British Heart Foundation
Throughout February and in conjunction with ‘Heart Month’, we spent the month raising money for the British Heart Foundation through fitness challenges, game-athons and charity shop drives.
Sustainable packaging ideas for your brand
Compostable, bio-degradable and recyclable (and even plant-able!), there are so many different options out there that are making it easier for businesses to be sustainable and ethical inside and out.
Eggs-cellent Easter print marketing ideas for businesses
While Easter might not have the same charm as Christmas, it is still an egg-citing holiday for the business calendar and one that many celebrate across the UK.
The sustainability of print – Busting the myths
As the concern for sustainability in printing continues to grow – especially with the paper industry being one of the largest users of natural resources – so is the information surrounding it. That is why we want to help people better understand some common misconceptions about print. It’s time to bust some myths
We are ‘Going Red(der) for February’ to raise money for British Heart Foundation
With it being Heart Month in February, we want to help make a difference to those affected by supporting the British Heart Foundation.
Visual Print and Design raises nearly £350 for Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance
We’re delighted to announce that by donating a portion of our December profits, we have raised nearly £350 for Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance.
The advantages of using personalised direct mail marketing
If your marketing approach has become stagnant, or you are looking to target your prospects more strategically, personalised direct mail might be the ideal solution for you.
But what is personalised direct mail and how does it work?
Promotional merchandise trends we can expect to see in 2023
With a new year brings a new selection of promotional merchandise that are sure to be popular with marketers and customers alike.
Thankfully, we have put together a list (we’re kind like that!) with our top promotional product trend picks for 2023…
Reflecting on 2022 at Visual Print and Design
A year in review by our Managing Director, Graham Hunstone. It feels strange to be writing this review for 2022 as I’m sure it was only January a few weeks ago! I think everyone can agree that this year has gone by far too quickly even though it has certainly been eventful.
A typical December at Visual Print and Design
As we wind down for Christmas, we wanted to give you a small glimpse into what a typical December looks like at our office (we’ll let you into a secret… it involves eating too much chocolate, playing games and listening to Christmas music!)
Visual Print and Design vows to promote the sustainable story of print by joining Two Sides
We are excited to announce that we are now a commercial member of the Two Sides Campaign as part of our mission to promote the sustainability of print and paper.